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About Us

Warrenton Prep Preschool is located in Warrenton, Oregon, six miles south of Astoria and twelve miles north of Seaside and was established in 2012 when Superintendent Mark Jeffery (2011-2019) envisioned utilizing empty classrooms for a pre-kindergarten program.


As far as we know, we are the first preschool in the county that was affiliated with a school district.

He wanted a preschool that focused on academics such as literacy and number concepts, enabling the youngsters to slide right into kindergarten.

“I believe this age group is capable of reading before beginning kindergarten and that is just what our preschool aims to do,” Jeffery says.

From there our program grew to include our Kids Care program, which provides childcare after school, during off-days (when school is not in session) and during the summer months. 

Warrenton Prep is a 3-Star Program! Oregon's Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) is a program that raises the quality and consistency of child care and early learning programs across ​the state. http://triwou.org/projects/qris